Friday, November 09, 2012

I'm almost on my way to believing again that love does exist. BUT f*ck HE got lost on my sight without even knowing his name... :\

Once in a while in the midst of an ordinary everyday life, love gives us fairy tale. Just like what happened today when I went out running around of to my brother's school which I have to fall in line and right there there's this man I'm right next to him and *voila* suddenly its magic!:"> 

Why'd you have to be so cute? It's impossible to ignore you when I sneak around and caught you staring at me.I have felt it and lived it and now it leaves me here.

 I really want to love somebody. I do. I just don't know if it's possible forever and ever. But now knowing that there was you out there, I really hope this time I will definitely do.

I like your small gestures that speak volumes about how much you care and it feels like I'm floating on air that I cant giggle because I'm totally out of my mind to interrupt you with the cutest stuff that you've been doing. :)))

And just in case you didn't know its not that just because I don't start the conversation, doesn't mean I'm not dying to speak to you. I don't care if we talked about absolutely nothing, I'm just glad knowing that you once spoke to me. 

I cant love myself so much so I need you to love me because the small things you showed me took the most room in my heart. Only this time I'm gonna let myself see normal things in an extraordinary way with no breaks, slowing down, and holding back.

If only I can tell you by now how I was enchanted to meet you and feel you like sitting right next beside you, and stole a glimpse of you, without knowing what my future holds but i really hope you're in it.

Now, I'm starting to organize my thoughts memorizing your face, your figure, your smile, your voice, your walk, your whole being. I know its crazy I'm sorry I just cant help it.

...and after all i'm hoping for the chance to bump into you again. <3


  1. Goood energy, great job, keep up on your good work, i give you high five for this article! May love be always in you and with you!

    1. Awww, :"> you're so sweet honey. Thank you for that wonderful message. More love to you as well. :)
