Monday, November 12, 2012

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

So i want you to listen to this song before you read the entire letter. This is how I really feel for you.

I’m not staying anymore I know you’re not gonna change. I've done enough for too much only to make up with this relationship BUT I've grown completely tired. I TRIED and I’m TIRED. Tired of understanding that you’re always right and I’m always wrong, tired of always giving in without taking back, tired of making myself believe that there’s only me and you in this world. I’m tired of this random thoughts of I love you and, I miss you so, please believe me. I’m fed up of always letting you win over an argument as well as taking your side. They said you don’t have to change yourself in order for you to be loved by someone, you sure heard of this one right? But the problem is I've always wanted you to change because I don’t know you anymore it’s not you who I used to love and dream of my future. I used to know you so well, but where are you now? Why’d you have to be so strange and cruel?  I’m sick of this one sided love. It doesn't matter who truly do the loving here what matters most now and forever is… who do the trusting, that were both lacking off. You can’t love if you can’t trust and in reverse if you can’t trust might as well you can’t love. I realized that I also have to love myself, leave some for myself, and follow what I deserve. If I haven’t met him maybe I can stay with you. Although it hurts to say these entire thing. Don’t blame me or him either I didn't have any premonition that things are going to happened unpredictably as it is. We didn't choose nor planned to become attached. Don’t be mad to those people who wanted to see both of us together again because they knew better than you do, in times of pain and weakness that I've been through because of you they were the one who’s always been taking my side while you’re ripping me apart pieces by pieces. I just don’t get it why when I once got things better without you that’s when you suddenly want me back. And its sucks to be you because at the same time that’s when fate placed him on my way to healing. He put back the smile you tore apart, make my heart pound again which you killed and stopped from beating, give me rainbows and butterflies which you took instead and gave to others, you stole my happiness while he gave me most of his  love and affection. You dump me and he just lend me a back to lean on. It’s like he was there when I needed you most but you’re in the arms of somebody. So, tell me whose fault it is? Is he or am I to blame? Please understand everything. I want to win him back. Even if I’m always saying that all he did was took me for granted, and make me feel like I’m just another one of his object.  I knew now why’d he have to be like that. He didn't ruin me, you screwed us. And in case you didn't know I’d always want to let you know that you’re the one I chose over and if there’s only one person that I’d always want to come back it’s gotta be you. Just this time you have to let me go. Because I don’t want you to hate me or else you’ll end up cursing me to death. So, please let go of me.

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