This is my first blog, i don't know exactly what to write or how to begin my thoughts but i want to thank this person because she is the one who really inspired me and finally made me convince to create my blog. I don't know her personally, all i knew is that she uses the name miss Tin and a very good blogger really, and honestly I'm looking up to her. :))) I would like to meet you personally miss tin. I want to have a chit-chat with you because i think you have this very good prospective in life. I have done lots of blog in other website but I'm not that contented until i come up deciding to make use of this one. I love letting go of my thoughts by simply typing and afterwards publishing it over the Internet, with the idea of it relieves pain and awkward feelings i have inside which i cant share to anyone knowing that they wont understand me otherwise they will just contradict with what i believed in. That's what i love about blogging, you can say whatever you wanna say without considering their side comments nor their violent reactions. and the idea of other people re-blogging your published blog is such an honor, so overwhelming because somehow you would know that they can relate with the situation you had and you are not alone. :))) Well anyway, much has been said for today, i think i should do another one tomorrow because I need to attend my class by this morning its really a must for me because were about to start with our final examination on investment management and i haven't taken my sleep yet. so see you tomorrow guys! :) Have a great day ahead! :)
Aww, thank you very much. I hope you'll enjoy blogging. :)
ReplyDeleteYou're very much welcome missTin! :) Yeah I'm enjoying it. :D